Urban Wild

"Oakland Streets and Ladders"
Dimond Park, Oakland, Saturday, March 5, 2011

BAOC's Oakland / Piedmont map


Classic Oakland
Classic Oakland map

return to terraloco home

group kickin it 25 k folks

See the event photo album...

Quite a nice day for exploring Oakland and Piedmont. Families, U.C. Berkeley students, orienteers from BAOC and GCO, and adventure racers, and runners from clubs like Pamakids all mixed it up on the various courses. People ran into each other here and there even though they were spread out over a large area. Speaking of a large area, a number of our participants came from the Sacramento region. We used two maps. BAOC's "Indian Gulch" map, used by all courses,  was first created by Bruce Wolfe in the late 1970's - he's lived in 4 or 5 houses on the map - and he happened to participate in the event. Steve Gregg, who also participated, made the most recent updates to the map. The other map used was terraloco's "Classic Oakland" map; about half of the 25 km course checkpoints were placed on it. It's not hard to find places on the street map, but the variety of routes available made it an interesting challenge.

Thank you to Michelle Doppelt of Oakland Parks and Recreation for help with getting the permit at Dimond Park. And to Vicki Woolworth and Steve Gregg for flyering at BAOC events in February. Thanks to Vladimir Gusiatnikov for his help with registration and the remote aid station, and Lisa Tracy for staffing the near aid station.

Resultsscroll down to see combined results for all categories of the 5, 10, and 25 km courses

5 km Family

1. Milo's First Race - Lori Lewis, Peter Henderson, Milo Henderson 2:36:09
(untimed) Barbara Robben, Katie Fox, Linnea Fox

5 km Women's Masters

1. The Roamers - Susan Kaymon, Claire Kaymon, Melissa Davids 1:20:03
2. Judy Koehler 1:47:18
3. Nancy Lindeman 2:02:21

5 km Men's Masters

1. Harold DeMoss 1:17:24

5 km Mixed Open

1. Becky Chao, Chih-Han Lee 2:29:03

5 km Men's Open

1. Chris Buchner 1:11:30

10 km Family

1. Milk - Emma Jansson, Mats Jansson, Tristan Sloane 2:37:46
2. The Gray Dahlias - Brent Kobashi, Mark Chan, Lyen Huang, Rebecca Kim, Sarah Kim 3:51:40 (with diaper change)

10 km Mixed Masters

1. Tortoise + Turtle - Marina Keating, Joe Maffei 1:35:40
2. Moragans 2:02:51
3. The Terrible Twosome 2:29:30

10 km Women's Masters

1. Penny - Penny DeMoss 1:29:37
2. Vicki - Vicki Woolworth 1:45:47
3. Jennifer Kerr, Joan Roos, Marsha Jacobs 2:39:45
4. Terri Hunt 2:44:36

10 km Men's Masters

1. Orienteer California - Bruce Wolfe 1:09:43
2. Gavin - Gavin Wyatt-Mair 1:28:52
3. Jim Fish 2:39:52
4. Team Origami - Jeff Lanam 2:58:00

10 km Women's Open

1. Erika Kikuchi 1:51:22

10 km Men's Open

1. Pamakids - Anders Ryerson, John Gieng 1:24:15

25 km Men's Open

1. Jonas Kjall 2:03:25

25 km Duathlon Mixed Masters

1. Von - David Von Holder, Cynthia Royer (transition 2:23) 4:19:10

25 km Duatholon Men's Masters

1. SLG - Steve Gregg (transition 1:17:24) 2:34:25

5 km + Bike 12.5 km Duathlon Mixed Open

1. Zoo Crew - Jamie Maddaloni, Dawna Komorosky, Miguel Rivera, Laura Walpert (transition 1:49:46) 3:52:40

25 km Duathlon Men's Open

1. Dennis - Dennis Wilkinson (transition 1:16:00)  2:17:20
2. Team Tecnu - Kyle Peter, Brian Schmitz (transition 1:20:03) 2:36:30
3. S-express - Sergey Frolov (transition 1:51:00) 3:30:48

5 km combined

Chris Buchner 1:11:30
Harold DeMoss 1:17:24
The Roamers - Susan Kaymon, Claire Kaymon, Melissa Davids 1:20:03
Judy Koehler 1:47:18
Nancy Lindeman 2:02:21
Becky Chao, Chih-Han Lee 2:29:03
Milo's First Race - Lori Lewis, Peter Henderson, Milo Henderson 2:36:09

10 km combined

Orienteer California - Bruce Wolfe 1:09:43
Pamakids - Anders Ryerson, John Gieng 1:24:15
Gavin - Gavin Wyatt-Mair 1:28:52
Penny - Penny DeMoss 1:29:37
Tortoise + Turtle - Marina Keating, Joe Maffei 1:35:40
Vicki - Vicki Woolworth 1:45:47
Erika Kikuchi 1:51:22
Moragans 2:02:51
The Terrible Twosome 2:29:30
Milk - Emma Jansson, Mats Jansson, Tristan Sloane 2:37:46
Jennifer Kerr, Joan Roos, Marsha Jacobs 2:39:45
Jim Fish 2:39:52
Terri Hunt 2:44:36
Team Origami - Jeff Lanam 2:58:00
The Gray Dahlias - Brent Kobashi, Mark Chan, Lyen Huang, Rebecca Kim, Sarah Kim 3:51:40 (with diaper change)

25 km combined

Jonas Kjall 2:03:25
Dennis - Dennis Wilkinson (transition 1:16:00)  2:17:20
SLG - Steve Gregg (transition 1:17:24) 2:34:25
Team Tecnu - Kyle Peter, Brian Schmitz (transition 1:20:03) 2:36:30
S-express - Sergey Frolov (transition 1:51:00) 3:30:48
Von - David Von Holder, Cynthia Royer (transition 2:23) 4:19:10

Original announcements

Enjoy a 5, 10, or 25 km map adventure trek to find interesting checkpoints!

Enjoy a romp through the foothills and hills of Oakland and Piedmont! The secret staircases, curvy streets, and rolling topography will reward thoughtful navigators - not only with improved routes, but a nice intimate knowledge of the historical and charming hill neighborhoods.

All of the courses - 5, 10, or 25 km - may be done on foot. Only the 25 km course has a Duathlon option which will begin with the 10 km course on foot followed by the rest on bike after a map exchange.

The courses are very different from last year's Oakland events!

Event update - Feb. 5: Actual course lengths, measured by the best routes I could think of: 6.2 km, 11.4 km, and 25.1 km. All courses are very hilly. Mostly paved, but some trail sections which can be slippery, and possibly one steep trail slope, depending on which route you take. The courses have been vetted (checked) by Vladimir Gusiatnikov.

Some photos from the course are now available.

Event Schedule:

9:00 Registration open
9:45 Registration closes
9:50 Course briefing
10:00 Mass start, all courses
2:00 All courses close

Courses and Team Categories

Course lengths are targeted to be 5, 10, and 25 km.

Everybody's on a team of 1 to 5 people. Sign up ahead of time or at the event individually; you will register your team the day of the event. So, teams do not sign up ahead of time, but every individual on the team who wants a reduced entry price should sign up online ahead of time.

Every team will be in one of four categories: Junior - all participants under 18; Masters - average age of participants is 40 or more; Family - mix of juniors and non-juniors; everybody else is Open.

There will be award certificates for the top three teams in each category on each course.

So how does this work?

Please be registered by 9:45 so we can start on time. You can leave non-valuable items at the registration area, which will be monitored by event staff. You're also allowed to leave stuff like car keys if they're put in a sealed "lunch bag" type thing clearly labeled with your full name.

10 minutes before the 10:00 mass start there will be a course briefing with information that will be helpful to you in completing the course. You'll receive an event "passport" for marking checkpoints. Then maps will be handed out.

You can get the checkpoints in any order, and finding the best route or tour to get them all is an interesting part of the challenge. If you're using a bike in the duathlon category, the checkpoints will be divided into multiple sets - some, you will get on foot, and the others, you are allowed to use your bicycle to find them.

At checkpoints, you will answer a multiple choice question about a recognizable map feature, or you will find an orange and white marker and use its attached hole puncher to mark a punch pattern on your event passport. To place in the event, you need to correctly mark all checkpoints on your passport.

There will be water and snacks available at the start and finish and, for the 10 km and 25 km participants, at an aid station out on the course. If this might not be enough for you, consider bringing your own water and energy snacks to carry with you.

What will I need?

  • Comfortable clothes for moving around.
  • Comfortable shoes good on trails and pavement.
  • Head cover, and apply sunscreen to exposed skin.
  • A pen or pencil (or two) to mark answers on your Q & A sheet.
  • Biking gear - 25 km Duathlon participants only: Helmet and bike lock are mandatory.

Optional gear:

  • Compass: it's not necessary, but could help you reorient your map if you're disoriented.
  • GPS logger: it might be fun to record your route, but don't use it to aid your navigation. That's why you have a map!
  • Mobile phone
  • Food, energy snacks, and water, in case you might need to refuel in between aid stops.


  • Traffic: major roads will be crossed. Please observe the rules of pedestrian safety, and don't read the map while crossing roads.
  • Broken staircases: there are two that are passable but with very poor footing. Best to avoid these. They are marked with a purple cross-hatch on the map.
  • Trails: Can be slippery, muddy, and have steep sections. One very short connector trail in particular that some may use is very steep, and I had difficulty going down it in my worn-smooth trail running shoes.

Cost and Registration:

signup online by February 27
signup online by March 3
event day signup
Adults, per person
5 km = $10
10 km = $15
25 km = $25
5 km = $15
10 km = $20,
25 km = $30
5 km = $20,
10 km = $30,
25 km = $40
Students and juniors, per person
5 km = $5
10 km = $7
25 km = $12
5 km = $7
10 km = $10
25 km = $15

When you signup online, you are not committing to show up or pay. Online signups help us prepare for the event. We'd rather be overprepared, and we encourage you to sign up ahead of time if you have any interest in attending.


We are meeting at the Redwood picnic site at the south end of the park near the north end of Dimond Ave.

From Interstate 580 coming from San Francisco / Downtown Oakland, take the Fruitvale Ave. exit, turn left onto Fruitvale Ave., go about two blocks to Macarthur Ave., turn left, go one block to Dimond Ave., turn right, and park near the end of the street.

From Interstate 580 coming from Hayward / East Oakland, take the Fruitvale / Coolidge Ave. exit, then follow the freeway's frontage road that parallels the freeway until you reach Fruitvale Ave. Turn right onto Fruitvale Ave., go about two blocks to Macarthur Ave., turn left, go one block to Dimond Ave., turn right, and park near the end of the street.

Public Transit

On Saturdays, the AC Transit bus lines NL, 57, 11, 62, 20, 21 all stop at Fruitvale Ave. and Macarthur Ave. All those lines also pickup at BART stations.

Event Contact: Rex, 5 1 0 - 6 8 1 - 6 1 8 1, rex@terraloco.com