Urban Wild
Roundup #3

"The Carquinez Strait"
Crockett, Sunday, June 12, 2011









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What's on Second Antiques Bay Area Screen Print Bay Safety Supply Valona Market and Deli

click on either image to see the event
photo album

Historical treats, savory vistas, and mild weather allowed for some great fun in Crockett, Port Costa, the Carquinez Shoreline, and the Crockett Hills. The participants brought back the charm of the town and the parks to the finish. The 25k proved sufficiently challenging and was the most difficult course to complete. Dennis and Jonas were able to do so in less than 3 hours, with only 4 minutes difference in their time. Guess which one was totally on foot and which one used a bicycle.

Most people did the 10k, and the Whidbey Island Nerds from the Seattle area made short work of the course - they had to drive back home afterwards. The family team of Arreterra turned in the quickest time on the 5k, followed closely by Team Turtle, who came out for a 5k or 10k run and found out there were maps involved!

Thank you to all the participants for coming from afar and enjoying one of my favorite places to use for an event so far. A big thanks to Joanne and Gloria from the Crockett Chamber of Commerce for visiting us before the start and welcoming us to Crockett. Joanne, who is the proprietor of What's on Second Antiques with Dennis, really was the point person, involving many businesses from Crockett and coordinating things for the event. Another sponsor, Cole of Bay Area Screen Print / Bay Safety Supply made the event posters. Amy at the Community Center helped us with using Alexander Park.

Lisa Tracy helped with setup, registration, and did a super job greeting people at the aid station on the east side of the course. Jeff Dickert helped with setup, registration, and took over for Lisa at the aid station after doing the 10k course. Then, Jeff picked up all but one of the 11 course checkpoint markers we put out.

Our course vetters came out and made sure the 5k and 10k questions and map made sense - thanks to George Minarik, Andrejus Masalkovas, Jennifer Kerr, and Joan Roos for their suggestions on the questions and the map which helped tighten things up.

Results - Categorized

5k Family

1. Arreterra - Flynn Hitchcock, Chris Hitchcock, Lisa Gartland 1:32:00

5k Open Women

1. Team Turtle - Michele Macauley 1:35:05

10k Masters Mixed

1. Whidbey Island Nerds - Bill Cusworth, Heidi Cusworth 1:39:42
2. T + K - Terri Hunt, Kevin Hinkley 3:08:22

10k Masters Women Foot

1. Roamers - Melissa Davids, Renee Murray, Lindsey Goosherst 3:07:00

10k Masters Men Foot
1. Wes Erck - Wes Erck 2:30:08

10k Open Women Foot
1. Team Jenga 3:00:34

10k Open Men Foot
1. Team De Minimus - Jeff Dickert 2:06:40
2. Neptunian Wingman - Antonio Taylor 2:31:55

25k Open Men Foot
1. Jonas - Jonas Kjall 2:56:27

25k Masters Men Foot
1. Greg Favor - Greg Favor 4:21:24

25k Masters Men Duathlon
1. Steve Gregg - Steve Gregg 4:04:40

25k Open Men Duathlon
1. Dennis - Dennis Wilkinson 2:52:24

Choose your own Adventure
Kyle Peter - did the Crockett HIlls Regional Park trek
Sawyer - Scott Sawyer - did part of Crockett Hills Regional Park trek and all of the 10k
Nancy - Nancy Lindeman - did most of the10k
Team Origami - Jeff Lanam 2:45:17 (skipped one on the 10k)

Results - Overall

Arreterra - Flynn Hitchcock, Chris Hitchcock, Lisa Gartland 1:32:00
Team Turtle - Michele Macauley 1:35:05

Whidbey Island Nerds - Bill Cusworth, Heidi Cusworth 1:39:42
Team De Minimus - Jeff Dickert 2:06:40
Neptunian Wingman - Antonio Taylor 2:31:55
Wes Erck - Wes Erck 2:30:08
Team Jenga 3:00:34
Roamers - Melissa Davids, Renee Murray, Lindsey Goosherst 3:07:00
T + K - Terri Hunt, Kevin Hinkley 3:08:22

25k Foot
Jonas - Jonas Kjall 2:56:27
Greg Favor - Greg Favor 4:21:24

25k Duathlon
Dennis - Dennis Wilkinson 2:52:24
Steve Gregg - Steve Gregg 4:04:40

original announcement

Crockett What's on Second Antiques Bay Area Screen Print Bay Safety Supply Valona Market and Deli

Enjoy a 5, 10, or 25 km map adventure trek to find interesting checkpoints!

June 5 update - new meeting / start location!

May 30 update - all final course information and notes are posted.

Explore the old town charms of Crockett and Port Costa!
Surf the golden hills of the Carquinez Strait!
Enjoy the historical clues and breathtaking views! (see
photo album)

The 5 km course centers around the hilly town of Crockett,
and ventures into Carquinez Shoreline park.

The 10 km course goes further through Carquinez Shoreline park
to Port Costa and a bit beyond.

The 25 km course adds a trek in Crockett Hills park.

Want to use your bike? The 10 km and 25 km courses have a
Duathlon option. Bring your bike to the start, during the course,
you will lock it up at a remote location that is 3.1 miles from the
start / finish. You'll have to retrieve your bike from there after finishing.

Event Schedule:

9:00 Registration open
9:40 Registration closes
9:45 Course briefing
10:00 Mass start, all courses
2:00 All courses close

Sponsor Info - Thank you to our sponsors! Get discounts at our sponsor businesses and other local businesses with the coupons included in your entry packet.

What's on Second Antiques: We are collectors from way back, from before we met each other. Dennis started collecting when his Grandmother gave him an old wooden box that advertised Fairy Soap from the Fairbanks Soap Company and I (Joanne) started with a collection of spoons acquired on various family vacations and trips around the country. In 1974, we met at the Oakland Hobby Show and were wed a year later. Once married, we started collecting everything! Knowing that when we retired we would open up an Antique Shop, we continued collecting, doing shows, and selling in other Antique shops and have been doing so, for more than 30 years. In 2002, we had the opportunity to open our own shop, What's On Second Antiques. We specialize in pre-1980 advertising along with so much more. We hope you will stop by and let us share our love of collecting with you.

Bay Area Screen Print and Bay Safety Supply: We offer screen printing and embroidery on a vast selection of aparrel, accessories, totes, banners, signage and promotional products. From design assistance to finished product, Bay Area Screen Print is your one-stop solution! From vests to safety glasses, we have the products you need to ensure the safety of your workers. With Bay Safety Supply as your vendor, you can opt to have your items screen printed or embroidered with your company logo.

Valona Market and Deli: The Valona Market & Deli was opened in 1982. Small quaint lunch deli serving hot and cold sandwiches, salads, soups and espresso drinks.  A selection of beer and wine. A lovely place for lunch after your outing.

Courses and Team Categories

The course lengths of 5, 10, and 25 km are approximate; more exact lengths will be published prior to the event.

Everybody's on a team of 1 to 5 people. Sign up ahead of time or at the event individually; you will register your team the day of the event. So, teams do not sign up ahead of time, but every individual on the team who wants a reduced entry price should sign up online ahead of time.

Every team will be in one of four categories: Junior - all participants under 18; Masters - average age of participants is 40 or more; Family - mix of juniors and non-juniors; everybody else is Open.

There will be award certificates for the top three teams in each category on each course.

So how does this work?

Please be registered by 9:45 so we can start on time. You can leave non-valuable items at the registration area, which will be monitored by event staff. You're also allowed to leave stuff like car keys if they're put in a sealed "lunch bag" type thing clearly labeled with your full name.

10 minutes before the 10:00 mass start there will be a course briefing with information that will be helpful to you in completing the course. You'll receive an event "passport" for marking checkpoints. Then maps will be handed out.

You can get the checkpoints in any order, and finding the best route or tour to get them all is an interesting part of the challenge. If you're using a bike in the duathlon category, the checkpoints will be divided into multiple sets - some, you will get on foot, and the others, you are allowed to use your bicycle to find them.

At checkpoints, you will answer a multiple choice question about a recognizable map feature, or you will find an orange and white marker and use its attached hole puncher to mark a punch pattern on your event passport. To place in the event, you need to correctly mark all checkpoints on your passport.

There will be water and snacks available at the start and finish and, for the 10 km and 25 km participants, at an aid station out on the course. If this might not be enough for you, consider bringing your own water and energy snacks to carry with you.

What will I need?

  • Comfortable clothes for moving around.
  • Comfortable shoes good on trails and pavement.
  • Head cover, and apply sunscreen to exposed skin.
  • A pen or pencil (or two) to mark answers on your Q & A sheet.
  • Biking gear - duathlon participants only: Helmet and bike lock are mandatory.

Optional gear:

  • Compass: it's not necessary, but could help you reorient your map if you're disoriented.
  • GPS logger: it might be fun to record your route, but don't use it to aid your navigation. That's why you have a map!
  • Mobile phone
  • Food, energy snacks, and water, in case you might need to refuel in between aid stops.


  • Traffic: many roads will be crossed. Please observe the rules of pedestrian safety, and don't read the map while crossing roads.

Cost and Registration:

signup online by June 5
signup online by June 9
event day signup
Adults, per person
5 km = $10
10 km = $15
25 km = $25
5 km = $15
10 km = $20,
25 km = $30
5 km = $20,
10 km = $30,
25 km = $40
Students and juniors, per person
5 km = $5
10 km = $7
25 km = $12
5 km = $7
10 km = $10
25 km = $15

When you signup online, you are not committing to show up or pay. Online signups help us prepare for the event. We'd rather be overprepared, and we encourage you to sign up ahead of time if you have any interest in attending.


Updated June 5 - we will be meeting in Alexander Park.

From I-80 in San Francisco, take I-80 east toward Oakland. Exit #27 toward Port Costa/Crockett. Turn left on Pomona Street. After going about a half mile on Pomona, turn left on Rolph Avenue and park.

From I-80 in Sacramento, take I-80 west toward San Francisco. Take the Pomona Street exit at Crockett. Turn left onto Pomona St., then go about a half mile on Pomona, turn left on Rolph Avenue and park.

From Hwy. 4 west, take the Vallejo/Crockett exit onto Cummings Skyway. Turn right on Crockett Blvd., which dead ends at Pomona St. Make a right on Pomona St. and then an immediate left onto Rolph Avenue and park.

Public Transit:

The Westcat 11 bus does not run to Crockett on Sundays. Perhaps you can find a carpool buddy from El Cerrito Del Norte BART.

Event Contact: Rex, 5 1 0 - 6 8 1 - 6 1 8 1, rex@terraloco.com


Crockett Hills web page, East Bay Regional Parks District
Carquinez Strait Regional Shoreline web page, East Bay Regional Parks District
Chamber of Commerce
town of
town of
Port Costa

May 30 course update:

Stay tuned, closer to the event there will be a weather update; pretty much everything else you need to know is here.

5 km course: Along a good measured route, the length I calculated is just under 5 km. The USGS base map is enhanced in the town of Crockett to show street separations, staircases, and footpaths between streets, as well as a few crossable parks and paths. Street separations (the same street is on two levels, one higher than the other, each a different direction of traffic) typically have a staircase in the middle of them. All checkpoints are question and answer format, and there are some interesting landmarks and views! The main hazard on this course is cars, but no thoroughfare is especially busy in this sleepy town. Since the town is built on two hills you will be going up and down quite a bit.

10 km course: Read the 5 km notes as well! Along a good measured route, the length I calculated is about 12 km. I emphasized existing trails and added new trails to the USGS base map within Carquinez Strait Regional Shoreline Park. More hilliness! Long pants are recommended - a portion of the trail is grassy, and this is a banner year for ticks. Footing is a little nobby, even on the trails, so bear that in mind when selecting footwear. If you like to go off trail, shoes with some kind of studded pattern on the bottom would be best. The western part of the park, west of the main road down to the pier, is more thickly vegetated, but the eastern part is grazed and you can go cross country in the clearer areas. There's very little poison oak in the areas of the park the course visits, but it's abundant in the forests north of the northernmost trail. If you come across cows, try to go far around them. To get to one checkpoint, you'll have to cross the railroad tracks, and be careful - trains pass about every 30 minutes! Only use the designated crossing point which has a signal gate. Checkpoints in the park will be marked by orange and white bags with pin punches. There's no clearance for pedestrians on Carquinez Scenic Dr., so when returning on this course you must use the trails inside the park. If you're doing the bike duathlon, it's recommended biking in on Carquinez Scenic Drive (which many bicyclists do) and using the staffed bike drop in Port Costa, and driving back to retrieve your bike later. Check for ticks after finishing the course, and remove any that are biting by firmly pulling them out with tweezers.

25 km course: Read the 5 km and 10 km notes as well! Along a good measured route, the length I calculated is about 28 km. This course adds an epic trek in Crockett Hills Regional Park to what's already in the 5 km and 10 km courses. About 600 meters of hill climbing, according to my GPS track. You need to be comfortable with navigating on a USGS topo map using the contour lines as your primary information. The USGS base has a few fire roads that may or may not correspond to current park trails. Current park trails as mapped on the actual East Bay Parks map may be very faint in reality. Because of the wet spring, trails are very grassy, some to the point of being very hard to pick out of the landscape. There's one trail that's newer that's not on the park brochure, but it is on the sign near the trail. In some cases, actual foot traffic has diverted a trail around a hilltop or obstacle. Because of the inconsistency of trails in the landscape, I've not made map enhancements. Except, I am marking where there's a destroyed bridge where a mapped trail crosses a creek that you can't use. You can, however, go a bit upstream and cross.You'll get the straight USGS base map and a park map with controls printed on both. Use the contours, and if necessary, bearings to navigate. USGS vegetation shading is fairly good information too - green is forest, white is open, spotted green is brushy chapparal. Checkpoints are a tunnel and some hilltops, saddles, and gullies, and they will be marked by orange and white flags with pin punches. Cross country travel is nice, although in some spots the grass can get pretty high. Cows are wary so give them a wide berth. Very little poison oak, and the course is designed to avoid it completely. No star thistle! There are a few patches of "prickly" grass here and there though. Ticks here are more present than on the 10 km course section in Carquinez Regional Shoreline - I picked up more than usual, so body cover is essential, and I recommend gaiters or taping shoes and ankles to keep them from getting your socks. Definitely check for ticks after the course.

June 5 event update:

The event center (registration, start, finish) has been moved to Alexander Park in Crockett, near the corner of Pomona St. and Rolph Ave. Directions to the event on this web page have been updated.